Saturday, May 28, 2011

God To You Post: God To You Post

God To You Post: God To You Post: " This 28th day of May 2011 is monumental because it is the date of the first publication of God To You Post. The theme of this post is ma..."

God To You Post

    This 28th day of May 2011 is monumental because it is the date of the first publication of God To You Post. The theme of this post is man's quest for immortality. Much of what's written in this blog will discuss  the doctrine contained in God's Continuing Word - A Personal Message. Excerpts can be found at http://www.god'
    Religion is hard at work in today's world. Christianity, Islam and Judaism trace their beginning back 5,000 years to Abraham.  Although religion in some form is practiced by most of the world's population, religious righteousness has been the cause of historic nightmarish bloodshed and grief. Intolerant religious passion is pervasive in human life today, and shows no sign of abating.
  "God's Continuing Word - A Personal Message" is a physical spiritual message that answers pertinent personal questions. The book, is comprised of four sub-books: "The Explanation," The Clergy," "The One World Advent" and "The Eternity."
  The book asks and answers the questions: "What are you? Where are you? Why are you in this place? What is your purpose for existing? What is your destiny?"
   Because the book is mostly gender neutral, the following substitutions have been made where gender distinction is not intended: Rhe, substituted for he or she. Hes, substituted for her, hers or his. Hom, substituted for her or him. Some readers have touted the book as one of the most important and profound ever written. The book is must reading